
Four Weeks to a More Organized Home!!!

I'm going to completely revamp my house. Make every single room pristine and I'll even do it overnight! Yay Motivation!!

Yeah right. We all know that never happens to any of us (well, maybe so really nit-picky people with no job, kids, or pets!). I recently found another blog that has given me such a helpful tool and I absolutely had to share it.

Money Saving Mom

She's made a list that's so simple and so easy to follow, I just had to try it.

After what I've tried so far it seems SO easy and helpful. To those of us that just absolutely despise housework - yes, it's a lot of deep-cleaning. But it's not a lot at the same time. Each task can be done in 15-30 minutes. 

I also love how it doesn't seem demanding or heavy. If you get to it great, if not no big deal. I don't have to stack it and I certainly don't have to feel guilty.

Each task has details, but I'll just do the basics. Let's go through a sample:

Day 1 (which I just so happened to skip - oops):

  • Get Dressed
  • Get a cup of tea and make a list of 5-10 goals for the week
  • Complete your morning routine
  • Set timer for 15 minutes and pick up main living areas of your home (see, I told you it wasn't hard)
  • Find 7 items to get rid of today
  • Clean out your purse
That's it! You're done for the day. No more cleaning, no more fret, no more hassle. Well, except for laundry. You'll have to throw dishes and laundry in there yourself.

If you're still wondering how in the world you can get that all done in one day remember that you have the mornings too. Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier if you have to, it's better to get up earlier and not rush anyway!


Jumping In

Well, here we go! 
Starting a new blog can be different and exciting. Trying to get a feel for the new platform, finding the right design, discovering your topics... all of it needs to be decided.

I plan on making this about our new life together and more specifically about things that I learn and special events that happen while we're here. As it is, we're taking a trip not too long from now, so at least I'll have that to talk about. 

Topics of interest include: Housecleaning, Makeup design, Baking/Cooking, Music-making, Current Reads, and probably a bit of narration on our personal lives. As time goes on I'll figure out something more stable to land on. 

I would write a separate post for today but seeing as I've already spent most of my evening just deciding on a theme, I'll save it for tomorrow. 

"Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success" 

-Swami Sivananda